Self-presentation and public speaking — You never get a second chance for your first impression

Training description

The coaching meeting takes the form of a power speech with elements of interaction. It is addressed to people who want to learn the secrets of making a first impression and strengthen their communication and dialogue skills. The Workshop covers issues from interdisciplinary areas: psychology, sociology, communication, marketing and public relations.

  • The ability to present to small and large audiences your competencies, your business, your product and your company’s value to your industry is much needed these days.
  • The training is in the form of an interactive workshop, addressed to men and women who want to learn the secrets of making a first impression and develop their communication and dialogue skills.
  • During the training, issues from interdisciplinary areas are discussed: psychology, sociology, communication, marketing and public relations.

Training plan

  • The secrets of public and media speaking
  • Structure of speeches
  • Business and private patterns
  • Making verbal and written contact (linguistic errors)
  • Authoritative speech and body language
  • The most common mistakes made during public speaking
  • Linguistic accuracy
  • Preparation and structure of short statements, speeches, and presentations
  • Instil confidence through the precision of speech
  • Self-awareness (advantages and disadvantages)
  • Technical solutions and aids
  • Play through diction exercises
  • Case studies

The originator and author of the program is me — Paulina Smaszcz, communications and public relations manager, trainer and business consultant, with over 25 years of professional experience. My work is recognized by the profession which granted me the “Złoty Spinacz” award.

The development of technology, the multiplicity and variety of modern communication channels and the possibility of constant contact between the customer and the brand led to the fact that nowadays both large corporations, medium, small or micro companies, need 360° PR Managers. They are specialists who have knowledge and skills in public relations and communications activities, in line with modern trends and developments in the field.

Through the training, participants

  • will develop the ability to speak to small and large social groups;
  • will learn good verbal, paraverbal and behavioral communication skills;
  • They will learn how to manage stress before public speaking;
  • They will become familiar with the language of benefits and they will be able to use it in business situations;
  • Participants will learn how to properly design their speech in order to interest and be remembered by the audience;
  • They will learn what nonverbal speech is and how to use it to their advantage.

Training methods

  • Exercises that influence the formation of desirable attitudes and behaviors, as well as increase self-awareness.
  • Working in project groups
  • Work through examples of communication interference and misunderstanding of the message.
  • Multimedia presentation; topics discussed are based on real-life examples from work and private life.
  • Conversations to exchange experiences and solve problems regarding self-presentation and public speaking.

Addressees of the training

  • Training is addressed to people who want to learn how to perform in public in their private and professional lives.
  • The training will interest people who want to learn the secrets of making a first impression and develop their communication and dialogue skills.
  • Training for women and men of different ages, representatives of different industries and at different stages of their careers.

Hourly schedule

Proposed: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (including a lunch break and two coffee breaks). The training schedule can be customized according to the client’s expectations and needs.

Reservation of training locations and dates can be made using the contact form.

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