About me

dr Paulina Smaszcz

Doctor of Social Sciences, communication and public relations specialist, Expert for tactic skills in human capital, Post-doctoral Researcher in the CRASH Center for Research on Social Change and Human Mobility KOZMINSKI UNIVERSITY.

I am fascinated by communicative competencies (interpersonal, intrapersonal, psychological, cultural and economic capital)

Doctor of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, SWPS University. I am an academic lecturer and practitioner.

Communication, marketing and PR director of the IRCenter research company.

Self-presentation and personal development coach, trainer, mentor, business consultant, journalist and TV presenter. Graduate in Polish studies and sociology. Academic lecturer at the University of Business in Wrocław on her original course in ePR, digital media and content communication in a 4D world.

For more than 18 years, she has been individually training business representatives (entrepreneurs, corporate and individual business employees), from board members and top managers to executives and sales representatives. She is also involved in training medical professionals, doctors, clinic owners, VIP clients and representatives of NGOs in Polish and European forums.

As part of her own series of training courses and projects #kobietapetarda, she trains and guides business women; women returning to the labor market; supports women’s initiatives and start-ups and women who want to make changes in their professional and private lives. Women in midlife are the main characters in her Ph.D.

Author of the mentoring book “Bądź Kobietą Petardą. Jak zająć się sobą i żyć świadomie.” (Be The Powerful Woman — How to focus on yourself and live consciously), which won the BOOK OF THE YEAR 2021 award, and the book “Mama i Tata to MY.” (Mum and Dad — that’s us), in which she and the best experts in Poland dispel myths about children’s health and nutrition.

Nominated and awarded in competitions: “KOBIETA Z PASJĄ” (Woman with Passion), “KRÓLOWA DOBROCZYNNOŚCI” (The Queen of Charity), “KOBIETACHARYZMATYCZNA” (CharismaticWoman), “LWICA BIZNESU” (Business Lioness), “METAMORFOZA ROKU” (Metamorphosis of the year), “GWIAZDA STYLU” (Style Star), “KOBIETA, KTÓRA INSPIRUJE 2020.” (A Woman who Inspires)

She was the only Polish woman featured in the international publication GLOBAL INFLUENTIAL WOMEN.

She created an original personal branding project for women (business and cognitive competencies), “BĄDŹ KOBIETĄ, KTÓRĄ CHCIAŁABYŚ SPOTKAĆ” (Be the woman whom you’d like to meet) #ProjectPSK, the project and the series of interviews — “KOBIETY PETARDY” (Powerful Women) and the Academy of Communication and Public Relations by Paulina Smaszcz (level basic, master, professional).

Mother of Julek, Franek and a friend of the cat Total and dogs: Bono and Świrus. On the Polish market, she has been working for large corporations, serving as a communications and public relations expert for over 25 years, building international strategic projects. Together with her team, she has won the most prestigious awards in the public relations industry. She is a specialist in strategy and crisis situations as well as 360 teams building.

The main character of the books: “Sukces jest Kobietą 2017” (Success is a woman 2017) Lifestyle Media Group; “Apetyt na kobiety” (Appetite for women) by S.Skalski; “Lekcja miłości” (Lesson about love) by M.Łyczko; “Make up Business” by E.Wadowska; I.Szalak “Agencja Słowa Pisanego” (Written word agency); the album “KOBIETA SPEŁNIONA” (A fulfilled woman) by A.Dziewulska and A. Grabowska; “Listy płynące z serca” (Letters from the heart) I.Adaska.

Ambassador of the project — “INTELIGENTNY START” (Intelligent Start), campaign MAMA W PRACY (Mum at work), Śniadanie Daje Moc (Breakfast gives power) and DOTYKAM=WYGRYWAM (I Touch=I win). Expert in the BUSINESSWOMAN OF THE YEAR competition organized by the foundation — Sukces Pisany Szminką (Success is written in lipstick). The face and ambassador of the #StaćMnieNaSukces (I can afford success) campaign. She cooperates with VITALVOICES GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP; Sieć Przedsiębiorczych Kobiet (Network of the enterprising Women); Loża Kobiet Biznesu (Business women’s lodge) and the foundation KobietyAutentyczne (AuthenticWomen). The face and ambassador of the campaigns: #StaćMnieNaSukces (I can afford success), #JestemLiderką (I am a leader), #byckobietaontour (Be women on tour), MOCNE STRONY KOBIETY (Women’s strengths), #nieprzepraszamza (I don’t apologize for), Sukces TO JA (Success is me) and GLAMOURmentorwalking.

She was also working as a journalist and TV presenter (TVP1 and TVP2, hosted the morning show PYTANIE NA ŚNIADANIE, realized and hosted programs in WIZJA SPORT, She conducted the parenting program on TVNSTYLE and the health program in Wp.pl). She has extensive stage experience. As an announcer and presenter, she hosted closed events, including outdoor events. She performed in front of small groups at private events and in front of audiences of several thousand at large outdoor events.

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