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I have been working in the PR industry for 25 years, I have a Ph.D. in social sciences. I am a trainer and business consultant. I am the director of communication, marketing and PR of the IRCenter research company. Also I am a Post-doctoral Researcher in the CRASH Center for Research on Social Change and Human Mobility KOZMINSKI UNIVERSITY. On a daily basis, I give lectures and workshops in Poland and European countries. I actively support women, startups and initiatives related to their development. My clients also include top managers, politicians, specialists, entrepreneurs and NGO representatives in Polish and European forums.
Doctor of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, SWPS University.
A graduate of Polish studies, speaks perfect English and German. Doctoral thesis “Reflectiveness of women in mid-life. A sociological portrait of Polish women on the example of women from post-voivodeship cities at the end of the systemic transformation.” I am an academic lecturer and practitioner.
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Scientific publications:
Smaszcz P., Grabowska I. (in print). Life as a project 20 years later, Lubuski Yearbook.